BBBS Kindness Apparel


Being kind is a small act that can make a big difference in someone’s day, week and life. Be the change you needed when you were younger and help ignite the power and potential of a young person.

All Proceeds of our kindness apparel go to our child and youth programs.


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Interested in Making an order?

All of the adult products are unisex fitting and available in size S to XXL. Shipping available, but at your cost. Please contact us for rates. Youth products are available as well. Click below to be taken to our order form to see the range of product available.

Bullying Facts

All money raised from the selling of our kindness gear will be used to support our youth and mentoring programs that serve children in Prince George and Northern BC. These programs take many forms from 1:1 at school, in the community, or in a virtual setting as well as skill based group programs.

 how to support

You can also simply donate—find our donation button in the top right corner of the page. Any amount makes a difference.